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07-300 Ostrów Mazowiecka
ul. 3 Maja 66

Centrala 29 679 54 50
Tel. sekretariat 29 679 54 55 lub 56
Fax. 29 679 54 22

e-mail: poczta@ostrowmaz.pl

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 Enterprising Ostrow Mazowiecka

Fragment of an industrial district of Ostrow

Ostrow Mazowiecka occupies the area of 22 square kilometres and is inhabited by about 24 thousand people. It is situated in the north-east part of mazowieckie province, at the crossing of important international, national and regional communication routs. The location by the national road number 8 Warszawa – Bialystok (in the future the Via-Baltica express road) together with the town ring road provide excellent communications accessibility and is an economic chance to become the BRIDGE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE WEST OF EUROPE.

Ring road
Throughout the recent years the town experienced significant economic growth becoming an important industrial centre. This is the result of not only political and economic transformation all-over Poland but also the policy of the local authorities and the enterprising of its inhabitants. Ostrow Mazowiecka is first of all a town of business, small and middle companies but it is also the seat of domestic and foreign market leaders. In the town there are about 3.000 registered economic subjects. The most significant among them are: ALPLA (plastic packaging), FORTE (furniture), 

"Forte" furniture factory
KRUGER (food concentrates and supplements), OSTROWIA Mazovian Milk Cooperative, NP PHARMA (cosmetics and pharmaceuticals), KAMA (clothing), ROLSTAL Pawlowski (assembling halls, shelters and industrial objects, agricultural equipment), SCHNEIDER (agricultural machines and car chassis), ZURAD (radar devices), KEFAL (set stone), GENDERKA (foamed polystyrene).

Economic mission in KRUGER
The presence of many foreign investors in the town means that the town is granted their recognition and trust. Trade and services have been acting dynamically dominated by domestic and international vehicle transport.
The dominant economic branches are: domestic and international transport (Ostrow is the biggest center of transport and forwarding companies in Poland), building industry, agricultural-food,

Sewage treatment plant
pharmaceutical, electronic, mechanic, plastic processing, furniture industry and trade. The town has been carrying out tasks defined by the ‘Strategy of Ostrow Mazowiecka Town Development for the years 2003-2015’: improvement of life quality, local economy development and improvement of spatial order and town infrastructure. We are creating supportive conditions for economic activity subjects and it is closely connected with our works in the scope of

Center of the city

improvement of spatial order and town infrastructure (the town has been devoting millions to building and renovation of the town streets). We possess a developed technical infrastructure allowing economic subjects to run their activity in accordance with EC standards. It is connected among others with expansion of water supply and sewage system network, creating an integrated system of regular waste management and also revitalization and rehabilitation of postindustrial areas program. 

Shopping center

Approved Local Spatial Development Plan provides accessibility of suitable areas and objects to investments. An important recent years investment is a modern sewage treatment plant handed in 1999. Designed for an average twenty-four hour receipt of 8 thousand square meters of sewage, at present (after installing a sewer system in over 80 % of town) it still has more than 30 % of free processing capacity. The town is the owner of three partnerships: Public Utility Plant Ltd., Thermal Power Plant Ltd. and the Social Building Society Ltd.
In its territory there also exist business surrounding institutions such as the Economic Chamber, banks and insurance companies. Potential investors are welcome friendly. The Town Council has defined conditions of providing businessman with help in the form of estate tax relief. Our economic asset is the big potential of young and well-educated people.
Business staff is among others educated at the Economic Department of Ostrow Branch of the Higher School of Finances and Management in Bialystok.
Local authorities are fully aware that the development of the town in a long time perspective will be determined by the life quality offered to its inhabitants. That is why one of the most important tasks of investment policy for the nearest years is the development of sport and cultural base. We are continuing the building of Culture and Recreation Center where in a territory of 6 hectares there are arising: a sport hall and a swimming pool, tennis courts and artificial skating rink. In a short period of time there will also arise a culture center, a library, a hotel and an amphitheatre. A good opinion of the town is also influenced by success in increasing the safety standards. This is among others achieved thanks to introducing the  system monitoring town squares and streets, vehicles speed control with the use of photo radars and close cooperation with the Poviat Police Headquarters. As a result we are among the safest towns in Mazowsze.