Dane teleadresowe Urzędu Miasta




07-300 Ostrów Mazowiecka
ul. 3 Maja 66

Centrala 29 679 54 50
Tel. sekretariat 29 679 54 55 lub 56
Fax. 29 679 54 22

e-mail: poczta@ostrowmaz.pl

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The most important events

Meeting with the Santa Claus
 We have worked out a calendar of regular cultural, recreational and sports events integrating   the local community and promoting the town. The most important of the rich offer are: ‘Ostrow Days’, ‘Princess Anna Mazovian Fair’, ‘New Year’s Meeting’, ‘Sylwester (New Year’s Eve) in front of the Town Hall’, ‘Ostrow Integrative Meetings’, ‘Wirujacy Krag (Spinning Circle)’ - all-Poland Claus’, ‘Opera and Operetta Gala’,
 ‘Ostrow Cultural Summer’, Ostrow competitions for grammar and secondary school students, Olympiads and the ‘Tournament of Table Tennis of  Mutual Assistance Homes’ as well as all-Poland Debuts of the Polish Bodybuilding, Fitness and Weight Triathlon Association, ‘Pyza Mazowiecka’, ‘Guitar Presentations’, ‘Pre-schoolers Festival’.
Princess Anna Fair

Guitar Presentations
Ostrow Mazowiecka Days

Papal Day
Integration run
International Katyn Motocycle Expedition

Ostrow Cultural Summer

Spinning Circle