strona główna mapa serwisu kontakt szukaj
Dane teleadresowe Urzędu Miasta
07-300 Ostrów Mazowiecka
ul. 3 Maja 66
Centrala 29 679 54 50
Tel. sekretariat 29 679 54 55 lub 56
Fax. 29 679 54 22
Meeting with the Santa Claus |
We have worked out a calendar of regular cultural, recreational and sports events integrating the local community and promoting the town. The most important of the rich offer are: ‘Ostrow Days’, ‘Princess Anna Mazovian Fair’, ‘New Year’s Meeting’, ‘Sylwester (New Year’s Eve) in front of the Town Hall’, ‘Ostrow Integrative Meetings’, ‘Wirujacy Krag (Spinning Circle)’ - all-Poland Claus’, ‘Opera and Operetta Gala’, |
‘Ostrow Cultural Summer’, Ostrow competitions for grammar and secondary school students, Olympiads and the ‘Tournament of Table Tennis of Mutual Assistance Homes’ as well as all-Poland Debuts of the Polish Bodybuilding, Fitness and Weight Triathlon Association, ‘Pyza Mazowiecka’, ‘Guitar Presentations’, ‘Pre-schoolers Festival’. | |
Princess Anna Fair |
Guitar Presentations |
Ostrow Mazowiecka Days |
Papal Day |
Integration run |
International Katyn Motocycle Expedition |
Ostrow Cultural Summer |
Spinning Circle |